

A few weeks ago a thought came to mind about the reason why I let my guard down before I finish doing something. I almost finished doing a task that I had to do and almost at the end of it, I found myself thinking that I have already finished it so maybe it is time to move on something else. Then I had less motivation to continue as hard as up to that point. I identified the false reasoning that was behind this thought that has kept repeating in my life.

My unconscious reasoning and argument for this thought was that I had already accomplished it. I have managed to finish it, so there is no reason for me to work hard anymore and it is time to put things at ease and slightly quit.

Actually there are scientific evidences that support my claim. Researches that have been done have shown that the visualization of goals does not enhance the chances of achieving them. Instead, it decreases it, because you are actually feeling good simply by being able to see that you have already been able to accomplish it, although you are only using your own mind to do that projection.

This happens because when you do a visualization, you have in fact intoxicated your brain into believing that you are at a certain place of your journey that in fact you aren’t. I believed that I had already managed to get to the end of my journey toward finishing that task, but I was actually deceiving myself.

My advice and suggestion for you and my future self from this article is pretty straight forward. Do not be deceived by your own mind. Rather than believing that you have already reached your goal, start to take a step back and have a real mirror of the actual progress that you have managed to reach in your journey towards your goals. Do not sabotage your own process of improving your life, simply because of the perceptions that you have had.