Software engineering and personal development

Tag: things

How to Check Whether at Least One Value is True in Python

selective focus photography of white petaled flower
Photo by Katherine McCormack on Unsplash

In the previous article, we saw how to check whether all the values in an iterable object are True in Python.

In this article, we are going to see whether there is at least one condition that is satisfied in an iterable object in Python.

Let us suppose that we have the following list:

We want to see whether we have earned more than 4000 in at least 1 month.

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How To Find The Index Of An Item In A Tuple In Python

turned-on flat screen TV
Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

As Python is one of the most popular languages right now, many developers from other languages may also start using it whether that is just on a side project, or a simple script that can help them automate some tasks.

They may have been able to see how to actually find the index in an array, for example in Java, where you write the name of the array and also the index in the brackets. This is also available in Python.

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The underrated effect of advertisements in our lives

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As we have come to the end of the year, and basically every time throughout the year, it is usual to see so many advertisements about discounts of different products and services. They keep coming in different types of media, like TV, social media, or email, to make sure you get informed about them. This affects ourselves and the people that we stand with. We then tend to think that buying new things is the only solution to our problems.  Continue reading

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