Software engineering and personal development

Tag: stress

Three simple questions from a famous CEO that can help you in tough times



No matter how happy you try to be, or how your current lifestyle design is bringing you a lot of joy, there will be times when you will be thrown into some sort of tough situations.  You get angry from a reaction of another person, or you are waiting for a friend that is consistently late. Simply put, there are times when you are in a bad mood and you simply get pissed off from something unpleasant. The CEO of, Nelson Wang in a recent Quora post has mentioned that he uses three questions as a method that can help get passed off those types of states. Continue reading

How NOT to pass an exam

How to studyWe always hear a lot of advice about approaches and tricks on how to pass an exam and if we fail using them, we simply try again and again, but we are not aware that sometimes we are unconsciously admitting to fail. In this article I will try to make a pattern about the actions that may lead to not pass an exam.

Do not attend your lectures

Even though some of them may not be as efficient as we would like them to be and they can be early in the morning, or late during the afternoon, lectures are really important and skipping them can have a considerable impact in a few more hours needed to understand and learn something.  Continue reading

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