Software engineering and personal development

Tag: software engineering

Quickly access API documentations of your favorite languages with these two applications


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It is no surprise that you may need to work with different programming languages, or at least use many methods. You may not be sure how do you call a method, how many parameters does it have, or the type of objects for each parameters. During these cases, having a quick look up on the API documentation helps you immensely. Continue reading

Risk-driven approach of making decisions

act plan checkYesterday during the Software Engineering class, the professor mentioned the Boehm’s spiral model which is a risk-driven software process framework, which was proposed by Boehm in the year 1988. This model assumes that changes are a result of project risks and includes explicit risk management activities to reduce these risks. Even though it was mentioned in a Computer Science class, it made me think about the potential implementations that this method can have in our self-improvement journey. Continue reading

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