I have seen myself procrastinating countless times, with the justification of not being in the right mood , or I was thinking that this is not the right moment to start doing my tasks, despite the prior planning. In other words, more often than not, I was only giving excuses, because I was only overthinking things and hoping for a better time that will somehow improve the circumstances and push me on the other end. According to American Psychological Association, 20 percent of U.S. men and women are chronic procrastinators and I have previously mentioned some methods that can help you beat it. 2 minutes rule can help you start acting instead of scrolling up and down on Reddit, and in this post I will tell you two quick steps that might also help you. Continue reading
Tag: productive (Page 6 of 6)
I thank you for clicking the link to read this article and one of the first excuses that you may have before even continuing reading it is that you will read this article later. You may be getting that excuse consciously or unconsciously, but I would try to write this article as short as possible, describing this awesome way that maybe can cure this disease that sometimes affects all of us. I have been using it and I can say that it has been very effective in stopping the delay of doing the things that I had to do and start acting instead.
I have learned this from James Clear, but I decided to write this article in order to make this method more famous, by also linking it with other references, and to also remind myself about the benefits from it. Continue reading
It went 6 pm and, believe me, I didn’t check my email until that time. I had to learn something and I had lecturers earlier, so I didn’t have time to check it, but, I am still alive and the world didn’t go upside-down.
Even though I don’t usually get more than 10-20 emails per day, I sometimes waste too much time by just checking it, because I simply begin to read what it is on it and there is a Facebook notification for a private message that I get and I go there to reply, and I end up spending a lot of minutes by simply scrolling down the page and not doing anything entertaining and productive.
In fact, the part-time job that I do is depended on using email, but I have already opened another email account to use it only as an Outbox and I do not show it to others, because I only want to send emails from it, which I learned from the New York Times best-selling author, Tim Ferriss (more on this later). So, when I said I didn’t open my email today, I meant my main email that I use for getting and sending messages.