Software engineering and personal development

Tag: productive (Page 5 of 6)

Get a better life by building better habits

k-bigpicWe are products of our own behaviors, that we consciously or unconsciously do, also known as habits and the results that we have in our lives are mostly the outcomes of them. According to a study published by Duke University in 2006, we spend more than 40 percent of our time engaged in habitual actions that we do not give a second thought about. Thus, it is very important to improve our habits, if we want to get things that we have not achieved until now. Continue reading

Beat procrastination with the Feynman technique

Feynman technique Richard Feynman was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics who used a method of learning complex things that seems very obvious and immediately makes sense that it is easy, but in fact only a few people use it. I have already mentioned it in a previous blog post as a way of learning and preparing for your exams, and I will not focus on that, but I have had an insight about the way and the possibilities of using this technique as a means of beating procrastination. Continue reading

A real example on how a busy person read 20-30 books for a few months

ReadingA couple of days ago, a person that I know told me something that surprised me and once again inspired me to believe about the tremendous impact that little acts can have. Only during the year 2015, he has read around 20-30 books despite having a full time job and also having family responsibilities and having to travel about 2 hours each day to go and come back from the workplace. Continue reading

Consistency is the common denominator of productive people

consistencyIt is easy for you to get inspired once from a movie and go and do fifty push-ups without stopping, but then months pass by and you do not do even a single push-up. It is easy for you to write a great blog article because of the lessons that you have learned from a great book that you have read recently, but then you stop writing and forget that you have a blog at all. It is easy for you to get up early and start working on your most important tasks once a year and then you get back to your normal procrastination mode of not doing your tasks until it becomes almost too late. Continue reading

Your laziness might be just a thought

todo2You are constantly thinking something, whether that is about your past events or situations, your current state and task that you are dealing with, or a future plan that you have put on your to-do list. Sometimes it is possible that among these cases, you might not feel inspired and ready to do your work, and a new thought pops up into your head that you might not be doing the right job, or that you have not found the passion of your life yet. You start to make different false connections in your mind to justify these situations, and maybe even identify these cases as indicators that you have are not productive; you are a lazy person. Wait a second: what if that is just another thought that is probably wrong? Continue reading

Manage your energy

productivityTime management is one of the most wide-spread advice we hear that can help us be more productive. However, you and I are witnesses of our own personal experience of periods when we had a considerable amount of time available, but we couldn’t concentrate properly and get anything done at all. Aside from planning our day according to your priorities, it is of a crucial importance to bear in mind the fact the you should try to also manage your energy. Continue reading

You don’t need a tool, you need a plan

productivity-640x309We are constantly being bombarded by thousands of tools and apps that try to attract us to use them, that we are even being into dilemmas about which tool should we choose. Instead of first having a motive, then a plan about what we want to accomplish, we try to begin with a search on Google about the best tool. Even though there are some really good tools that can make your work easier, usually the type of tool is not the main culprit, but yourself, because you are trying to hide and avoid the uncomfortable work. Don’t believe me? Let’s take some examples.
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