Software engineering and personal development

Tag: procrastination (Page 2 of 2)

You should do your most important tasks, so start fast and end slow

procrastinateThere are at least a few things that we all should accomplish, but we do not start doing them. Procrastination is a really serious problem nowadays. To illustrate this, we can take as an example the work of Professor Piers Steel from the University of Calgary. The esteemed Professor was doing some studies about procrastination and was supposed to finish them for five years, but because he himself procrastinated, it took him twice as much to finish the work he started. And even though there are dozens of time-management tips and tricks that proclaim to make you start doing the things you have been delaying to accomplish, a lot of them aren’t helpful. Continue reading

2 minutes to beat procrastination

productivityI thank you for clicking the link to read this article and one of the first excuses that you may have before even continuing reading it is that you will read this article later. You may be getting  that excuse  consciously or unconsciously, but I would try to write this article as short as possible, describing this awesome  way that maybe can cure this disease that sometimes affects all of us. I have been using it and I can say that it has been very effective in stopping the delay of doing the things that I had to do and start acting instead.

I have learned this from James Clear, but I decided to write this article in order to make this method more famous, by also linking it with other references, and to also remind myself about the benefits from it. Continue reading

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