Software engineering and personal development

Tag: problem

Learn each step of the solutions for Math problems for free using Symbolab

If you are trying to solve math problems and they seem easy, maybe you are doing something wrong. At least, that may be the first impression that you have, as they have been vastly proclaimed to challenge you and make you feel stressed and even a lot of times, forcing you to give up and just go back to see the solution. The reason for these can be that you may not know all the steps that are necessary to do be followed if you want to reach the desired result.  Fortunately, solving math problems can be simplified using a really cool web application that shows you the step to reach the solution.

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Debug your Ruby code using ByeBug gem


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It is no doubt that one of the activities that takes most of the time of software developers is debugging. We as programmers can make many mistakes, which may lead to many bugs that need to be fixed. One of the best ways to fix these bugs, understand the flow of an application, or implement new features is through debugging. ByeBug is a great Ruby gem that helps us fix bugs and debug projects by going through each line. It is similar to pry, with additional functionalities. 

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Comments remind you to write simpler code


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When you are programming, there are cases when you implement something in such a way that it is difficult to understand and reuse by others. As a result, you decide to write comments above it to explain the logic behind your code. The moment you decided to write this type of comment, you admitted that your implementation is already complicated enough so that others or your future self would benefit from adding this plain English type of explanation. Continue reading

Three simple questions from a famous CEO that can help you in tough times



No matter how happy you try to be, or how your current lifestyle design is bringing you a lot of joy, there will be times when you will be thrown into some sort of tough situations.  You get angry from a reaction of another person, or you are waiting for a friend that is consistently late. Simply put, there are times when you are in a bad mood and you simply get pissed off from something unpleasant. The CEO of, Nelson Wang in a recent Quora post has mentioned that he uses three questions as a method that can help get passed off those types of states. Continue reading

Beat procrastination with the Feynman technique

Feynman technique Richard Feynman was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics who used a method of learning complex things that seems very obvious and immediately makes sense that it is easy, but in fact only a few people use it. I have already mentioned it in a previous blog post as a way of learning and preparing for your exams, and I will not focus on that, but I have had an insight about the way and the possibilities of using this technique as a means of beating procrastination. Continue reading

Complex problems are not that complex



Complex problems are usually not that complex as they might be perceived in the first sight. They are usually compounded problems that have been built upon over sub-problems that you might have missed the chance of dealing with when they first appeared. Also, not every part of it is actually a problem, though it might look like that. The following paragraphs might help you understand how to deal with them. Continue reading

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