Software engineering and personal development

Tag: present

How to be more present

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During these recent times, I have found myself wandering aimlessly in thoughts about the past, or the future, without paying too much attention to the present action. I tend to feel nostalgic about something good that happened in the past, or being excited about plausible future outcomes, and not focusing on the current activity that I am involved on. Knowing that I may continue this pattern of behavior in the future as well, I am making an intention of making a change. Continue reading

Goals are meant to change our current state



We all have goals, whether we have set them by ourselves, or the others. Get a degree, get a good job, get married, buy a car and a house and other types of common goals are well spread. These types of goals might be ours, or ones that the family or the society sometimes tries to set for ourselves. Even though they might have good intentions, sometimes they can simply put a lot of stress and pressure upon an individual such that it is unbearable for him. However, goals should not be like that. They are targets that should first and foremost be for us and not against us. Continue reading

We must be present in today

be here nowA lot of things happen in our lives and only a few of them start to shape our opinions and the story we tell about ourselves. We have been late for a meeting or for work, and we try to identify ourselves as people who are always late. We have been finishing our projects and our homework only a few hours before the deadline and as a consequence of that, we identify ourselves as procrastinators. Additionally, we tend to start to get stressed out because of a difficult project that is in the future and because one of your colleagues will take a week off of work. These type of events are probably going to steal you the chance of enjoying the present. Continue reading

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