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Tag: health

Get informed about best free online courses at Class Central

A lot of learning is now done online without having to pay an expensive monthly subscription fee. Massive Open Online Courses, also known as MOOCs, have gained popularity in recent years and the number of people that attend them is really high.

As time goes by, the number of MOOCs only increases, so it can be hard to choose the courses that you want to attend and also have an initial impression about the reviews of others for that particular MOOC. For these and many other things related to MOOCs, Class Central can be very valuable.

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Lessons from my 30 Day Challenge: Exercising everyday



About a month ago, for the first time in my life, I decided to publicly declare e 30 day challenge that I was trying to set for myself. It was about exercising every single day, without excuses. I decided to do this challenge because I had the desire to exercise and knew that it is very helpful for our bodies and brains to exercise on a regular basis. I had been procrastinating and delaying working out for years, even though I knew that I needed to exercise. When a time comes that you do something you had long ago aspired to do, then you can see how many benefits you have already wasted.

I can say that I was not very consistent with my dedication of working every single day, because most of the time I forgot. I did not put any reminder besides publishing a post in my blog, which was not sufficient for me to recall every single day that I had to work out. I sometimes found myself lying in bed in the evening, only to remember that I had not exercised that day. However, I am glad I started this experiment because, besides starting working out at a local fitness gym where a very good friend of mine works as a trainer, I learned a few lessons and tips that I would like to tell you about.   Continue reading

Workout if you want to enjoy your life

Heart-Healthy-LifestyleWhether you joined a fitness club but you aren’t regularly going to the gym because you don’t have time, or whether you don’t have the willpower to do the workout at your own house, things will not change by magic if you aren’t going to take measures to do something about these excuses that you are telling yourself.

If you want to find something compelling, that could give you enough reasons to exercise, let me tell you a tip that might help you: Imagine yourself being a millionaire, having a beautiful yacht near the ocean and having a great carrier, but somehow you feel that something important is missing from you.  Something really important. You don’t seem very enthusiastic and alive as before, you don’t have the health, the vitality, the energy to stand up and enjoy all the things that you have available now, which you have dreamed for ever since you were born. Continue reading

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