Software engineering and personal development

Tag: habits

7 Habits of Highly Effective Programmers


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We mostly live our lives on autopilot habits that determine the outcomes that we have. From the moment we wake up (even while sleeping), until we go to bed we repeat certain habits that we do not pay that much attention. This does not necessarily mean that these habits are bad. It shows, however, how important it is for us to take the time and form new habits that produce remarkable results.

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Change your habits by protecting the bottom line



Big goals are overwhelming and usually paralyzing that can simply become obstacles rather than compelling destinations that pull one towards them. Habits are a set of behaviors that are triggered, done and followed by a reward that you are usually after. They can be a reasonable means of accomplishing your goals. You do something on a regular basis until that type of behavior gives you the specific reward that represents your goal. Despite sounding so easy, in fact, it is not. Sometimes, we are also procrastinating from starting the habit formation itself. Continue reading

Change your behaviors by changing your environment



One of the best ways of changing yourself is by changing your behaviors. You are simply a sum of all the existing behaviors that you have, and whenever you are able to change them, you will be able to change yourself. Changing your behaviors can look like a complex task, but it should not be. There are a lot of suggestions and ways that are said to be effective to help you change. One of the most effective way of making the change very easy is by changing your environment. Continue reading

Turn your repetitive tasks into Autopilot-type of behaviors



We have a lot of implanted daily routines that we consciously or unconsciously do at a certain time like brushing teeth immediately when we wake up, drinking a tea or a coffee when we get to work, or going to the bathroom before going to bed. This does not only free up our mind and conserves a lot of mental energy from having to always decide when we should do them, but it also creates for us opportunities to think about solving our problems, coming up with creative ideas, or reflecting about our actions. Yet there are other things that we need to do them repeatedly that we simply do not do them at a consistent time, because we do not have the resolve to set a fixed schedule about them. Continue reading

Get a better life by building better habits

k-bigpicWe are products of our own behaviors, that we consciously or unconsciously do, also known as habits and the results that we have in our lives are mostly the outcomes of them. According to a study published by Duke University in 2006, we spend more than 40 percent of our time engaged in habitual actions that we do not give a second thought about. Thus, it is very important to improve our habits, if we want to get things that we have not achieved until now. Continue reading

2 minutes to beat procrastination

productivityI thank you for clicking the link to read this article and one of the first excuses that you may have before even continuing reading it is that you will read this article later. You may be getting  that excuse  consciously or unconsciously, but I would try to write this article as short as possible, describing this awesome  way that maybe can cure this disease that sometimes affects all of us. I have been using it and I can say that it has been very effective in stopping the delay of doing the things that I had to do and start acting instead.

I have learned this from James Clear, but I decided to write this article in order to make this method more famous, by also linking it with other references, and to also remind myself about the benefits from it. Continue reading

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