This is another quick article in which we are going to see how to do a conversion of a string into a list of characters in a single line in Python.
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You move to a new city and you don’t know where the nearest grocery store is.
You don’t beat yourself up — it’s normal. You just use Google Maps to find it.
After you’ve been there several times, it’s highly likely that you won’t need to use Google Maps.
Continue readingDo you know what happens when you type a website address in your browser?
The same applies even when you just click on a bookmark that you have saved in the past.
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After working on many different projects for many years I can wholeheartedly say that being a great engineer is so much more than syntax.
You may be able to recall many programming commands from many different programming projects, but still, you are not paid because you know them.
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We mostly live our lives on autopilot habits that determine the outcomes that we have. From the moment we wake up (even while sleeping), until we go to bed we repeat certain habits that we do not pay that much attention. This does not necessarily mean that these habits are bad. It shows, however, how important it is for us to take the time and form new habits that produce remarkable results.
It is no surprise that you may need to work with different programming languages, or at least use many methods. You may not be sure how do you call a method, how many parameters does it have, or the type of objects for each parameters. During these cases, having a quick look up on the API documentation helps you immensely. Continue reading
I recently had the privilege to publish my first guest post in, which is a very good website filled with so many tips and suggestions for software developers. I wrote the article about some soft skills, a topic that I believe is underestimated, and wanted to remind myself and fellow software developers about their importance. Continue reading