Software engineering and personal development

Tag: bug

I became a Ruby on Rails and React contributor and you can too

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I am really grateful that I have managed to contribute to a few open source projects, including the ones that I currently use on a regular basis: Ruby on Rails and React. My contributions are very minor fixes, and suggestions, and may not be that much worthy of the praise, but I want to use this article to inspire you to go and make your own contributions as well.

One of my core values is contribution and helping others. That’s one of the reasons why I love to write articles, and also contribute back to the very projects that I have benefitted from over the years.  

Although major frameworks that are largely used have gone through tons of reviews and careful analysis over the years, there is always room for improvement or addition. This means that you are not only able to fix bugs, or improve something that is already implemented, but you can also implement new features as well. Continue reading

Remove duplicate items from the left menu on rails_admin with this configuration

Img source: Stackoverflow

I recently had an issue with Rails Admin, which was displaying duplicate models in the left hand side menu. It was something that I had not encountered before, and it turned out, it was a rare occasion, as I could not find that much coverage about it. I also saw that this unanswered question related to this problem was published more than a year and a half ago in StackOverflow. This is the reason why I decided to write this post. Continue reading

Debug your Ruby code using ByeBug gem


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It is no doubt that one of the activities that takes most of the time of software developers is debugging. We as programmers can make many mistakes, which may lead to many bugs that need to be fixed. One of the best ways to fix these bugs, understand the flow of an application, or implement new features is through debugging. ByeBug is a great Ruby gem that helps us fix bugs and debug projects by going through each line. It is similar to pry, with additional functionalities. 

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Bad behaviors are bugs that need to be addressed and need attention

Male Hand with Fist Chained to Linked Cuffs

Computer software cannot be imagined without having any bug at all, whether they are developed by Google, Microsoft or an unknown programmer who is programming in his garage. However this reality does not stop these companies to constantly engage into improving their products, so that there are less bugs into them than before. We humans might have some behaviors or habits that we are not content that we do, but somehow we fall into trap of regularly doing them, and start to think that they are irreplaceable and that there is nothing that we can do about them. Continue reading

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