Software engineering and personal development

Tag: artificial intelligence

How to Assign Multiple Variables in a Single Line in Python

assorted-color mugs on rack
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

One of the first things that you learn when you start to program is learning how to declare a variable and assign to it a value.

For example, you are told to assign a string and then print it in a console:

Now, if we want to assign another variable in there, our intuition can be to just add a new line, and assign it there:

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How to Remove the First and Last Element of a List in Python

yellow leaves near green leaves
Photo by Ryan Song on Unsplash

Lists represent one of the most used data structures in any Python script. One of the reasons why I like programming in Python is that I get to reach a result quite quickly.

One such thing is the opportunity to easily and quite simply access their elements quite flexibly.

With flexibility, I mean, having the opportunity to choose only the elements that we want.

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8 Great YouTube Channels That Help You Understand AI and Machine Learning Papers

laptop on table near cup
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

With the new quick advancements of machine learning and AI in general, we are witness to an increasing challenge of keeping up with the pace as the field processes at a faster rate than we may be able to keep up with.

Add to this the fact that a new paper is usually built on top of other previously published work and they may not give you the details about it which you then also need to go and read for that particular paper.

This chain of papers that you need to look up to and understand before you understand a paper that you are just about to read is getting longer.

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