A lot of us spend a long time watching YouTube videos. We can learn or get entertained without paying anything. A a lot of people, including me, just want to skip ads. We are not interested in watching them. We simply click the icon to skip them and watch the video instead. Now there is a really nice way that you can use to do that.
This is a Chrome plugin called Skip Ad. All you have to do is install it and then expect the plugin to remove the ads from you by clicking on Skip Ad, Skip Ads and also X buttons anywhere possible.
After you install it, you may need to refresh your previously opened YouTube tabs and only then expect the plugin to do the job for you.
This plugin hides the ads the way you would have to hide manually. The ad can appear for a short period of time, but then will be closed. It may seem like something very simple that you could do yourself, but the plugin can at least save you from a few clicks.
This plugin is also open source. You can view its source code by going to its GitHub repository here.
I hope you find this plugin helpful.