YouTube represents one of the biggest databases on the internet, which gives you access to a lot of videos that you cannot watch in your lifetime. It also represents a really good place for great motivational speeches, university lectures, tutorials, and many things.
Sometimes you may not be able to watch a lot of videos to find something in particular. You are only interested in something specific. Something that you can only find by watching a video. A certain topic that you are looking for that is covered in a lecture, which, unfortunately, may not have a very descriptive title that you could use to search.
Here comes SpokeTube that helps you with exactly that. It is a search engine that can be used to search for spoken words or entire phrases in YouTube videos.
For example, I searched for learned swimming and got this video and the exact minute in the video in which this is mentioned.
That was fast and something that I would possibly never be able to do had I not watched the video and pay close attention to what is being spoken.
If this sounds compelling to you, then give this tool a try.