Fatos Morina

Software engineering and personal development

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Self-improvement does not mean being self-centered

Source: innovic247.com

Img source: innovic247.com

There a lot of blogs and books of different people that might proclaim to be a very reliable resource of self-improvement. By self-improvement type of blogs, I mean all blogs that are meant to give suggestions about ways of being a better person. Among other things, a person who is very compelled to read such contents might get the initial impression that self-improvement can become an obstacle of a collective group of people, because it simply installs make an individual to be self-centered. Although, this might be the case and that might even be the intention of some writers, but I disagree that it has to be that way. Continue reading

Have a progressive mindset: Not yet

Progressive mindsetA lot of us are learned to say that we are not simply meant to do something. We are not meant to become the best at what we do. We are not meant to pursue that dream career that we aspired when we were kids. We cannot leave the legacy that we have been dreaming for a lot years. However it does not matter that it should be like that for the rest of our lives. We can change our mindset and see these as something that we have not accomplished yet, and that there is still some hope, desire and willpower to accomplish them. Continue reading

Delaying procrastination

Source: smartproductivework.com

Source: smartproductivework.com

It is natural for a human being to want to delay doing something later on, or get trapped in procrastination. If we are to choose whether we want to book a flight at 12 or 12.30, it is highly likely that we will choose to go at 12.30. That is the way we tend to see things. That is true for almost anything that we want to do. We keep putting things off and plan to do them later. What if we could simply reverse this order and rather than seeing that particular task as something that should be done later as a task that right now deserves our attention and postpone procrastinating for later on? Continue reading

30 Day Challenge: Exercising everyday


Source: bastyr.edu

One new habit that I want to implement in my daily routines is to exercise regularly. I know that it is very important to workout, but I have been constantly skipping physical exercises. Usually, I had different things to do, and exercising simply was not something that I had in the list of my priorities. I believe I could most definitely find a free spot in my agenda for it, even though I had a lot of things to do. Starting from tomorrow, I want to try a 30 day challenge: Exercising every single day for at least 7 minutes period on a daily basis.


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Learning to control our response

smile-cool-backgroundWhen you think about the word successful, who is the first person who comes to mind? Then, if you think it once more, you might probably think about somebody else instead of the first person that you remembered. If you would take about ten minutes to think about this, you might get surprised when you mention another name now, which is quite different instead of the first name that popped up in your head. This is just an experiment of knowing how our response can change over such a short period of time for the same thing even when we are dealing with such a simple question. Continue reading

Change your habits by protecting the bottom line

Source: independent.co.uk

Source: independent.co.uk

Big goals are overwhelming and usually paralyzing that can simply become obstacles rather than compelling destinations that pull one towards them. Habits are a set of behaviors that are triggered, done and followed by a reward that you are usually after. They can be a reasonable means of accomplishing your goals. You do something on a regular basis until that type of behavior gives you the specific reward that represents your goal. Despite sounding so easy, in fact, it is not. Sometimes, we are also procrastinating from starting the habit formation itself. Continue reading

Save a lot of time: Learn from other people’s successes

Source: personalbrandingblog.com

Source: personalbrandingblog.com

Do you often find yourself trapped in the mindset that if you fail learning something, you simply have to keep a bit harder, and then a bit harder than that? A lot of self-declared gurus try to motivate people to simply push themselves a little harder to achieve their goals, and that it takes only some efforts to do something amazing. The truth might not be too far from that, although it might take a lot of time.  Aiming for the east, but walking towards the west will most likely turn out to be a terrible waste of time, energy and effort.   Continue reading

What can Bruce Lee teach us about productivity



If you have watched any movie in which Bruce Lee starred, you are most probably amazed by his ability to beat a lot of his opponents simultaneously. His triumphs show a vast combination of physical skills built up through countless hours spent while training and also indicate a mental strength. A strength and a skill that you and I can use in different areas of our lives. We can use some of these lessons even in seemingly unrelated areas such as productivity. Continue reading

Before reading, ask yourself about the reason you are reading this

Source: startribune.com

Source: startribune.com

It is true that these days the majority of the people around the world read a lot of more than they used to in the past, despite that they read mostly social media posts. There are still those people who read books for pleasure and try to fill up their horizons with different experiences, viewpoints and new words to their mental dictionary. Answering the question about the reason that you are reading a book, or an article can instantly improve the chances of benefiting by it. Continue reading

Beat procrastination using a timer

Source: lifehacker.com

Source: lifehacker.com

When you start doing something, it is usually easier to continue working on it than abandoning it. We might find it very difficult to start, because the project that we intend to work on is a bit scary, or that we are overwhelmed from the amount of work that we ought to do. A solution to these types of cases can be starting a timer and tricking yourself into thinking that you will work simply for a short amount of time. Continue reading

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