Fatos Morina

Software engineering and personal development

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Disability is not an obstacle to success

Img source: under30ceo.com/

When we hear about Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Stephen Hawkings, Bill Gates and many other people who have accomplished so many incredible things, we might start to think that they are simply born with all those abilities that have made them possible to accomplish what they are known for. We might not be guilty to think like that, as media is constantly showing up only the successes that they have had. Continue reading

Lessons from my 30 Day Challenge: Journaling

Img source: michaelhyatt.com

Img source: michaelhyatt.com

In the end of October, I wrote an article publicly declaring that I will start a new 30 day challenge of journaling every single day. Fortunately, it went really well. I journaled every single day for a month and now I am planning to continue this habit of journaling. Here I am going to tell you how did I manage to pull this off on a regular basis.

This is my second 30 day challenge that I announced publicly in my blog. Previously, during the first half of this year, I wrote that I wanted to do a workout session every day for a month, but I was not consistent during that time. After learning a few lessons the hard way going through my previous challenge, I decided to implement them during this new one. Continue reading

How to read more than 30 books a year by reading less than an hour a day

read-booksIt is almost the end of this year, a time which we can use for reflection. A lot of people might have a lot of regrets because of the things they did not do, or the things that did not do very well. One of the most common regret is reading very few books. There are people, however, that read a lot of books per year, despite having a very busy schedule filled up with obligations and responsibilities just like you and me. Continue reading

Become more motivated by keeping a did-it list

Img source: bitlather.com

Img source: bitlather.com

The number of apps that claim to increase your level of productivity is constantly in the rise. Most of them tend to promote themselves as tools that can help you capture the tasks that you need to do. However, they do not either emphasize nor seem to promote another important factor: Keeping a did-it list, about the history of finished tasks. This might sound a bit weird and unheard, but it is something very helpful that can have a considerable impact on the levels of productivity. Continue reading

What does success mean to you?

Img source: mylifeatail.com

Img source: mylifeatail.com

We hear it being used all the time but never take the time to ponder about what success actually means to us. It is a word that is used so much, and it mostly represents an orienting element in one’s life, because one tends to do all it takes to display an image about himself as a successful person, especially in front of others. We might consider someone as a successful person, but he might look like a failure from your friend’s perspective based on his definition of success, or vice versa. It can look a bit funny, because we might not have common definitions of success, and might even start to feel bad, because might think that we should not have contradictory opinions with our friends, which should not be the case. Continue reading

Why accountability can motivate you to be more productive?

Img src: fierceinc.com

Img src: fierceinc.com

Maybe you have been in a situation where you have told someone that you will do something, and then managed to get it done as promised. On the other hand, you might have set a task on your to do list in which others are not involved and have been postponing it for a long time, or even let it unfinished at all. You did not finish it for more than a week and are surprised and feel guilty about this. The reason for these types of sabotages about your own goals, and commitments to tasks where other people are not involved might be because of accountability and ego. Continue reading

30 Day Challenge: Journaling

Journaling can help an individual record the events that have happened in life, collect ideas, solve problems and make decisions. It has been mentioned repeatedly from a lot of authors of self-help books and articles as a very powerful tool for one’s change. One great article that I have read today has made me consider to make journaling as a daily routine. To help me with that, I am starting a new 30 day challenge, starting from tomorrow. Continue reading

How to drastically minimize the time you waste on Facebook

Img src: medium.com

Img src: medium.com

If you do not use Facebook these days, then you might be perceived as a stranger among others, as more than 1.7 billion people around the world use Facebook. You might have at least a few hundred contacts added as friends and a lot of them might be posting new statuses daily. This means that you are regularly wasting a lot of time simply by checking their latest updates. I do not mean that these are things that are not that important, but I want to emphasize that a major part of them might be useless or checked later, and not during your working hours.  Quitting Facebook might be perceived as something not that kind in a society where it is a norm to be part of it, but there are a few ways that you can use to minimize the time you spend on it. Continue reading

A data structure (Collections) usage compass for Java Developers

Img source: Andrew.cmu.edu

Img source: Andrew.cmu.edu

No matter whether you are developing a simple application helping your grandmother quickly text her daughter, or a complex enterprise application, it is highly likely that you will use some sort of data structure. Data structure are not only a very good way of storing and organizing data, but they are also a standardized way of managing data properly.  It is crucial for a software developer to know data structure, and also when to use a particular type of them when trying to solve a problem. With the correct data structure, the developer should not only have the means to solve the problem effectively, but also efficiently. In this article, you can see a data structure usage compass, intended more for Java Developers. Continue reading

Doing the right thing is the right thing


Img source: asme.org

Img source: asme.org

There are a lot of things that are constantly competing for our attention, but not all of them are the right things to be done for the moment. We might not be ready, feel motivated, or simply think that doing something that is important is supposed to be postponed for an undefined time. Moreover, having a lot of things to do can be overwhelming and can cause us frustrations. Usually, starting to do something is one of the most difficult part and is perceived with an underestimated importance, as it is not used enough especially when people are procrastinating. Another important tip that is underestimated is the fact that the more you do something, the more you want to do it. Continue reading

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