One really cool application that saves me time is PhraseExpress. I have been using it for a few years now and I am nothing short of impressed by its usefulness and the ability to help you out in your efforts to be more productive.
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When you are programming, there are cases when you implement something in such a way that it is difficult to understand and reuse by others. As a result, you decide to write comments above it to explain the logic behind your code. The moment you decided to write this type of comment, you admitted that your implementation is already complicated enough so that others or your future self would benefit from adding this plain English type of explanation. Continue reading
I recently had the privilege to publish my first guest post in, which is a very good website filled with so many tips and suggestions for software developers. I wrote the article about some soft skills, a topic that I believe is underestimated, and wanted to remind myself and fellow software developers about their importance. Continue reading
I recently read this wonderful article about the impossibility of having a perfect coding style guide that would please everybody. The author, Bill Sourour, a seasoned developer who has been programming professionally for decades, mentions that he himself had been involved in heated arguments by defending one coding style over the other. However, according to him, in the end it does not really matter that much, as long as it is a readable and maintainable code. Continue reading
Application Programming Interfaces (API) have become something commonly widespread for a lot of applications. They are used to make a central implementation of business logic requirements, which can then be easily maintained, changed, and used from multiple clients implemented in different stacks of technologies. A typical end user might not be informed about the existence of APIs, but he is most likely enjoying the benefits of APIs. Knowing that there are very popular applications that have public APIs which you can leverage for your applications, it is time to think using them a lot more.
During these recent times, I have found myself wandering aimlessly in thoughts about the past, or the future, without paying too much attention to the present action. I tend to feel nostalgic about something good that happened in the past, or being excited about plausible future outcomes, and not focusing on the current activity that I am involved on. Knowing that I may continue this pattern of behavior in the future as well, I am making an intention of making a change. Continue reading
Big projects, like Tesla, or, are nothing short of something that does not stop to amaze us. When you think about actually being the people who have worked and made them possible, you will most definitely be feeling a sense of overwhelming. It is normal, as these projects are that big, and you might not know where to start. I think that the people who have started these projects have been experiencing the same feeling. However, they did not let those feelings get in their way of execution and stopping them from putting in the real work. Continue reading
We all have our difficult times, when we feel not that good. These problems tend to take a lot of our attention that we suddenly forget all the other great opportunities that we possess. Our head is mostly filled with these dark opinions about how unfortunate we are and then we try to recall other periods in our lives when we were going through tough times too. It is difficult to become aware that these problems are usually temporary and that a way to overcome them is most definitely nearby. Continue reading
Neil Pasricha wrote an article about 8 ways that can help one read a lot more during the year. Among the things that he mentioned one advice made me ponder a bit more than the others: Reapply the 10,000 steps rule. Continue reading
We have so many goals and ideas. Whenever someone tries to talk to us about their goals, we immediately start to think about our own and how awesome those goals are. Very big goals and big ambitions, but when we are asked about the reasons that are holding us back and not allowing us to progress and really accomplish them, we realize that we are only talking about those goals. Continue reading