Fatos Morina

Software engineering and personal development

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How to quickly take screenshots on your Mac

mac, screenshot, shortcut
Img source: apple.com

I take a lot of screenshots these days. Fortunately, I use a really handful shortcut that has saved me probably many hours until now from having to explain something with words to someone else. I hope these quick shortcuts will also be beneficial for you too.

I take a lot of screenshots these days. Fortunately, I use a really handful shortcut that has saved me probably many hours until now from having to explain something with words to someone else. I hope these quick shortcuts will also be beneficial for you too.

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Save countless hours from YouTube by hiding recommendations with this Chrome extension

Img source: DF YouTube

I have already written about a really helpful Chrome extension that can be used to hide recommended videos on YouTube, but I wanted to write about it once again, as I want to emphasize something that may have slipped unnoticed in the first article. This Chrome extension does not hide recommended videos on the right side of the video that you are watching, but also on the homepage. I learned about it only a few months after I initially started using it and the reason for that is because you have to manually go and turn on this option for yourself.

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Load and manage your environment variables easily with dotenv gem

You will most probably need to have at least one particular case where you need to store configuration values for your Rails application. Saving these types of values in the environment is one of the principles of a twelve-factor app. It is thus recommended to use a separate file and use environment variables inside your code so that you do not have to change the same value in multiple places. This, however, is not something that you can do really easily unless you use something really helpful like dotenv.

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How to create a direct download link for Github project using DownGit

Sometimes you may need to send someone a project and they may not have Git installed, so they may not be able to download a repository from the command line. One of the ways that they can download it is by going manually to the Github repository and pressing the Download button. Here is another way that can save up time to both those that have and those that do not have git installed.

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Reduce the amount of time you waste online using Nudge

Img source: Chrome store

I believe that we are even not aware of our habits online. We are not aware of how much time we spend on social media and many other sites, which for a lot of us may simply be a waste of our time. We may have become so habitual that we simply open these sites without even reconsidering that decision at all. It has become as if we are obliged to do so. Here comes a really cool Chrome plugin that I have been using for the past few weeks and I am really content with it.

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Reduce the amount of time you waste online using HabitLab

Img source: Chrome Web Store

One of the easiest ways that we can waste our time on is by browsing aimlessly without having defined intentions. Our habits determine are the behaviors that we are doing most of the time and taking the time to build better habits will most likely lead to better lives. This includes building better habits online. A Chrome extension from Stanford is to help us with that.

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Beat procrastination of writing using “The Most Dangerous Writing App”

I have published more than 270 articles in this blog now and I still have difficulties getting started, despite the fact that I may have a particular topic that I want to write about, or that I have already made a decision to start writing. I just find other things that I could be spending my time on and this makes me procrastinate and delay starting. However, once I get started, I am more likely to follow through and finish writing the article, as I have gained some momentum and want to go further and finish it. A friend of mine has informed me about a tool that I have used to get started for writing a few articles that I have already published here called TheMostDangerousWritingApp.

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