A couple of days ago, as I was discussing with a friend of mine about a plan that we had being talking about in the past, he questioned whether we are ready to dive into it or not. This is something that I have also encountered in a number of occasions with others and myself too. In fact, I am aware of a regular trend that has consistently shown up in my experience in most cases when I started something that was outside of my comfort zone.
As I am typing this article, I can honestly say that it is not that I am that ready to write it. It is not something that is that much compelling and that I do not have anything else easier to do. This happens a lot of times, but I still write one article per week in this blog, because I see it as an activity that is worth my time and effort.
I remember when I opened this blog, I was a bit excited to start blogging, because I had the opportunity to write from my own personal perspective and experience. However, that initial hype of motivation just vanished a couple of days after, because writing did not seem something that I could do very easily. It was easier to distract myself with social media rather than opening a blank piece of paper and write in it. For about two years, I had written only a few articles here, because even after that time had passed, I still did not feel like I was ready. I had other things that I could spend my time on, that were not important at all, but that would give me the opportunity to delude myself and make me start thinking that I was doing something.
Actually, this is only one of the typical cases from many others from my personal experience that demonstrates how we might not be ready to do something, but that we should do them anyway. There are other cases for other people that I have seen as well. Even though Tim Ferriss looks like a very productive person, he has difficulties to be ready to do some of things, but forces himself to do them.
Before closing the tab of your browser thinking that I am not right, and that you should not be doing things that you do not feel ready to do, remember that I am not saying that you should engage in everything that simply seems out of your comfort zone. Moreover, there a lot of things that do not deserve your time and effort that you are not ready to do them either. However, there are things that are very important, which need our attention and consideration no matter how busy our lives might be, or how unprepared we might feel ourselves about them. Procrastinating will not be able to get them done. Doing the actual work most probably will be sufficient.
Doing the right thing is not supposed to be simple.
Doing the right thing is not supposed to be easy.
Doing the right thing is supposed to be the right thing.