

Yesterday I came across this idea of setting three major priorities at the beginning of each week and do the best out of your efforts to knock them down before the start of the next upcoming week. It sounds really simple and people might start to neglect it, saying that it can be only used by people who are engaged in only a few things, but actually this advice comes from a person who is engaged in a lot of things.

He is quite busy and sees this simple trick to be effective for him to be able to accomplish important things each week.

There is no magic behind the number three in here: It only serves as an acceptable differentiator between what might be really important and urgent from the rest of other things that need to get done that week. The author claims that he does not always have three major goals, also being identified as priorities. He says that sometimes he uses only one major priority as a goal for the week, which is sufficient for him to finish during that seven day period and feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing that.

The author also says that he makes a mental commitment and tries to memorize the priorities of the week, so that he can talk and recall them in an instant.

I like the idea of setting major priorities for a week, by identifying only a considerably small number of items that must absolutely get finished during the week, though I think it might not be necessary for someone to memorize their weekly priorities. As long as they already have a trusted system which they can use to remind themselves about such as a to-do list, or a calendar, it might be sufficient and also beneficial, because it can help the person save mental energy for other endeavors, such as finishing the tasks.

The author says that he gets unexpected tasks that need immediate attention, and other type of urgent tasks that have only shown up the surface recently. However, these interruptions are not used as an excuse from him to escape from the responsibility of finishing the week priorities that are set.

With that being said, rather than having a full stack of to-do items that you intend to do during the week, but never are able to finish all of them, set an above limit of the number of important tasks that you wish yourself to accomplish each week, no matter how busy life might get. Each Sunday night, set aside a few goals that you consider as goals that must need to get done that week and make an inner intention to accomplish them before the end of next Sunday.