What can you do in 30 seconds or less? Maybe scroll on Facebook or Reddit, or maybe send a funny picture to your friend on WhatsApp. You can also invest those precious seconds in something valuable such as learn something new in Javascript.
30secondsofcode.com is a simple website which does precisely what the name says: You can learn something in even just 30 seconds. You have many short code snippets associated with some short descriptions that you can read and understand what the code snippet does. You can also copy the code with a quick button that is next to the code snippet so that you can try it yourself and play around with it on your own.
There are many snippets organized in different categories, such as Array, Browser, Date, Function, Math, Node, Object, String, Type, and Utility.
You can also contribute with your own snippets by following the steps described here.
I agree, it seems really good, but we may forget about it really quickly, so a wise idea would be to bookmark it and have it ready at our disposal so that we can quickly access it without having to move a lot back and forth to find it.
Click here to go and visit it.