In Python, tuples and lists are two commonly used data structures for storing collections of items.
The main difference between them is that tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be changed after they are created, while lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified.
This immutability of tuples makes them more memory efficient and faster than lists since they can be used as keys in a dictionary and in sets.
Lists are more commonly used than tuples because they are more versatile.
The choice between using a tuple or a list depends on the specific needs of your project.
Now let us assume that you want to convert a tuple into a list.
We can convert a tuple into a list using the constructor list()
Let us see this with an example:
books_tuple = ('Book 1', 'Book 2', 'Book 3')
Let us assume that we want to convert that into a list:
tuple_to_list = list(books_tuple)
print(tuple_to_list) # ['Book 1', 'Book 2', 'Book 3']
That’s basically it.
I hope you find it useful.