GitHub is really famous, as it helps developers promote their work, get help, learn new things and even get sponsored by others, but now you can also play a game inside it.
Yes, you read that right.
Although GitHub is not a games’ portal, you can install a Chrome plugin that allows you to play the Breakout game.
After you install the plugin, you can go to the profile of any GitHub user that you want and hit the Play button.
The number of scores you achieve is the result of the number of commits’ blocks you have hit.
If the user’s profile has a lot of commits, then you can achieve high scores. The more commits, the more you can score, but also the harder it is for you to finish the game.
For example, if we go at this GitHub user who is very active, then we are going to have a hard time to finish the game, but we would get a lot of scores along the way:

If you go to another profile, your high scores are not going to be saved.
Moreover, this game is open source. You can find its source code here.
Now if you feel bored as you are browsing, you can have a quick break and play without leaving GitHub.