Working from home seemed like a dream for you. No need for long commutes, or rushing to catch the intermediate bus.
It turns out, you may have a sense of being alone. Your home office may not give you the impression that you are even working.
You thought you were disturbed by such voices, but it seems that you are also not very comfortable staying isolated in a room just by yourself.
That silence is not something that you are used to have.
You are used to hearing the keyboards of your colleagues, their voices as they are explaining some issues, or the coffee machine that your colleague used to prepare you delicious coffees.
If that is the case, then I have a suggestion for you. I have found this tool that can help you deal with that. At least, it can give you the impression that you are not alone.
SoundOfColleagues.com is a tool that has many sounds that emulate sounds that you may have been used to hear on a regular workday before the pandemic.
You can choose different sounds, such as room tone, coffee machine, people, printer, open window, rain on window, telephone, the office dog, or keyboards.
The best thing: It is actually free, so you can give it a try and see whether it helps you concentrate better.
That frustrating bug is not collaborating with the silence anymore. Now you can have a part of your brain engaged in processing some of these sounds.
I have tried it myself and have found it helpful.
I hope it turns out to be helpful for you too.