More than 3 years ago, I published an article about Vim that turned out to be one of the most popular articles that I have published so far, where I argued that Vim isn’t that scary and a list of resources that readers can use to learn it.
Now, I stumbled upon a VSCode plugin called “Learn Vim” that is intended to help you learn Vim without having to leave one of the currently most popular coding editors.
After you install it, you can simply open up the command palette by pressing Shift + Command + P on Mac, or Shift + Ctrl + P on Windows, or simply hit choose View > Command Palette.
Inside there, you simply need to type, “Learn Vim” and a new window will open up. After that, you can see on the left-hand side a list of categories of lessons that are included that you can choose from.
After you have opened it up, you will see a similar preview as shown in the image above, where you can also see the list of lessons that you can learn while using this plugin.
Vim has been around for a few decades now and still remains a very popular choice as an editor on its own, but also as a keymap to many popular IDEs out there.
I found it out at this article on dev.to, where the author mentioned in the article that he worked on this plugin in only one day, so it may not be at the highest level of quality that you could think of, but can still help you out in your journey to learn Vim.
I hope this plugin helps you in your journey learning how to use Vim.