There are many people out there who have started some types of businesses, affiliate links in blog posts, online courses, or books that do not require any maintenance or any type of work and still bring them money.
This is also known as passive income.
There are also people who are increasing their passive income while talking about ways they have built their passive income. People who go and make courses, or write books: Here is how I built up a 6 figure business and similar titles that you may have probably stumbled upon so far.
This practice of earning by talking about ways of how you have earned much money is very similar to recursion in computer science.
According to the definition from this book, recursion is a method where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem.
Solving such smaller instances of the problem is done using iterations.
Although many people may think that they do not need it, as it too complicated, it is actually a very common question in programming interviews.
You may be asked to implement the solution to a problem using recursion, then explain it in detail.
To help you with that, here is a really good visualization tool that you can use.
You can write a recursive function in JavaScript, or use some of the predefined templates that are available already and either visualize the process of recursion step by step or only see the end result.
It is really simple, and also open source. You can check its source code here.
This project is implemented using React, and is prepared for the AlgoExpert SWE Project Contest.
In case the demo does not work, you can still clone the repository from GitHub and run it locally.
I hope you find this useful.