

There might be something in your life in the past that you wished you did, an opportunity you wished you could have seized, a tough decision that could improve the quality of your life that you regret now that you did not make. Additionally, it is very likely that this might also happen in the future. However, a question that the founder and CEO of Amazon has used before starting one of the largest companies in the world, Jef Bezos can help us.

In the brief video below you can listen the Jef Bezos himself talking about this question and the experience in which was at that moment in life.


As you can see, the question is very simple, yet profound, because it pinpoints about our future self and what would we think when we are retired about this uncomfortable decision that we are currently struggling with. When you get older, it is highly likely that you will regret more about the things that you did not do, rather than about the things that you did and not taking a decision is in fact a decision.

If you are still struggling to take the decision, ask yourself: What is the worst thing that could happen if you did it?
Write down the things that could happen in the worst case scenario and what pathways that you could possibly take to recover from the consequences of that failure. This question has been a very helpful one for me, especially in a writing contest. It has made me continue writing a research based article after a few self-doubts and struggles which made me and a friend of mine among the winners in that contest.

Postponing things can turn them into sources of stress that can multiply their negative influences in your emotional states the more you delay them.