Software engineering and personal development

Category: Personal Development (Page 20 of 20)

2 minutes to beat procrastination

productivityI thank you for clicking the link to read this article and one of the first excuses that you may have before even continuing reading it is that you will read this article later. You may be getting  that excuse  consciously or unconsciously, but I would try to write this article as short as possible, describing this awesome  way that maybe can cure this disease that sometimes affects all of us. I have been using it and I can say that it has been very effective in stopping the delay of doing the things that I had to do and start acting instead.

I have learned this from James Clear, but I decided to write this article in order to make this method more famous, by also linking it with other references, and to also remind myself about the benefits from it. Continue reading

Is Social Media greater than Education?

socialmedia-addictionMore than half of the population of the world actually uses social media and finding someone who is not using them is very rare, that it can even be seen as a strange occasion. And also, the vast majority of the adults use social media during a good portion of the day, that in fact resembles a lot of hours wasted only on scrolling down the wheel of the mouse, or swiping on a smartphone. Only a few friends of mine don’t use Facebook, because they see it as a big waster of time, so they have been able to resist using it. Continue reading

How NOT to pass an exam

How to studyWe always hear a lot of advice about approaches and tricks on how to pass an exam and if we fail using them, we simply try again and again, but we are not aware that sometimes we are unconsciously admitting to fail. In this article I will try to make a pattern about the actions that may lead to not pass an exam.

Do not attend your lectures

Even though some of them may not be as efficient as we would like them to be and they can be early in the morning, or late during the afternoon, lectures are really important and skipping them can have a considerable impact in a few more hours needed to understand and learn something.  Continue reading

How can we learn to be happy from a computer programming method

coding-national-curriculum-computingWe are all trying to live a better life each day, by trying to replace our old gadgets and places where we live, work and learn and we are trying to do a lot of different activities, but the happiness and calm seems to be in a far island that is constantly attracting our attention and we are in a never ending journey. But, we should stop and think about this a bit more and try to change our blueprint.  I have found a thing in a computer programming language that can actually learn us to be happy.

For those of you who don’t know, a method in programming is an ability or a behavior of an object or entity to do something, for example println() is a method in Java language that can print a piece of text and that is invoked when we try to print things in a console.

In Java, there is also a method called random(), that, according to the documentation, returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.  Continue reading

“I am ready to give up when I haven’t even started”

don__t_give_upToday I read a post from a reddit user, who was in a depressed mood I guess, because he has been trying to do a midterm project, but he couldn’t finish it, and, even though he had been trying, he wasn’t able to achieve it. He had almost completed it, but because a method was unreachable, the game that he intended to do was not ready yet. He tried to contact with teaching assistants from his university, but they didn’t even try to help him and, because he is busy working, he cannot go to his professor’s office hours. Because most of his class mates have been accomplishing this assignment without a problem, he started to think that he is not meant to be a programmer. Continue reading

My journey writing a research-based article in Wikiacademy II

Wikiacademy 2 KosovoDuring the month of October, some students from Norway came to Kosovo, because they had to do a paper that would describe the current situation here and my friend Shqiptar Ibra, who works in the Tourist Agency that was responsible to guide them in Kosovo, told me that one of the first questions that he was asked from them was: How safe are we here?

And that has been one of the main factors that has motivated me and that friend to participate in Wikiacademy II, and write an article about the tourism in Prishtina (we weren’t allowed to write for the whole Kosova).  So we wanted to show the real image of Prishtina, like it is an inhabited city from pre historical periods whose ruins can be found near Ulpiana and Harilaq today, even though unfortunately a lot of the them have been destroyed;  it has been playing a very important role during World War II, serving as a shelter for Jews; its citizens are known for hospitality, religious tolerance, optimism and young age; its unique and delicious traditional food and some rare characteristics like the only mosque in Europe that has its top built with stone bricks instead of aluminum;  Gadime Marble Cave near Prishtina, the Monument of Newborn and a lot more. Continue reading

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