I have already written about a really cool option that you can use to capture screenshots in Google Chrome without using any third party extensions. If you want to level it up and have a tool that allows you to not only capture or record a particular portion of your screen, but also edit it, then AwesomeScreenshot is a good alternative.
Once you have captured a particular screenshot, you can then annotate them with shapes, arrows and even text comments that you can have them saved inside the uploaded version of it in AwesomeScreenshot.com. Free version allows you to integrate your uploads with Google Drive, gives you basic annotations tools, 1 project to host, manage and share screenshots, 30 images per project and 30 seconds video recording per video.
If you want to get all the additional features and integrations, there are paid plans that you can check out here.
You can see a short demonstration of some of its features in the video embedded below.
If this sounds something useful to you, then go ahead and give it a shot.