I have published more than 270 articles in this blog now and I still have difficulties getting started, despite the fact that I may have a particular topic that I want to write about, or that I have already made a decision to start writing. I just find other things that I could be spending my time on and this makes me procrastinate and delay starting. However, once I get started, I am more likely to follow through and finish writing the article, as I have gained some momentum and want to go further and finish it. A friend of mine has informed me about a tool that I have used to get started for writing a few articles that I have already published here called TheMostDangerousWritingApp.
As the name suggests, it really is scary, as it will ask you to keep writing without having any delays in between the words or keystrokes that you type, or your text that you have written until that time will get deleted. You can either set a timer like typing for 5 minutes or a number of words that you want to write and keep writing.
Whenever I have a basic idea about the things that I want to write, I simply use this tool, set a 3-5 minute timer and write as much as I can and do not care whether something that I wrote is something that I have already written about in a previous paragraph. I do not want to lose momentum and lose have my text written until that point erased.
These sentences are not meant to be published without any edition, but they can simply serve as a starting foundation. Once I am done with the timer or the goal for the number of words that I have decided to write, I start editing the article in Google Docs, making a few changes here and there, deleting things that are not that much needed and also writing new things that I think would make the article better.
Yes, it is possible for you to cheat and simply type random characters without any type of care or consideration, but at least you get started. I would recommend trying your best to write something that is relevant to that topic, or simply write at least words of your current thoughts. You could even try to write a sentence twice so that you do not lose momentum and also decrease the chances of having your article deleted by the app.
If you struggle to start to write something and you have been putting it off for a long time now, I would recommend you to give this tool a try.