I have previously written about a really great Ruby gem called RailsAdmin which allows you to quickly prepare admin dashboards from your models. However, it comes with a disadvantage when you are dealing with large files. Let’s say that you want to export a large file from your RailsAdmin, like having 100 000 rows. This export will take a while and if you are using Heroku, chances are that you will actually have a timeout. Luckily, here comes ActiveAdmin.
ActiveAdmin is another famous Ruby gem which has streaming already implemented. All you have to do is install this new gem and then start using it.
It comes with a few changes in comparison to RailsAdmin, like having the ability to make changes in the dashboard without having to restart your server and a few customizations that may need further work, but at least, it is a great workaround in cases you are in a hurry trying to avoid this infamous Heroku timeout.
RailsAdmin has an old issue regarding this problem on Github since 2012, but apparently, it has not been fixed yet.
ActiveAdmin is very famous with more than 8,500 stars on its repo on Github. You can learn more about it by going here.