Have you ever wanted to start learning how to develop the back end of a project? Maybe you have finished a few tasks here and there but never really made started something from scratch and worked on every part of it all the way until the end. If you are interested in learning and seeing how you can do that, then I have something for you.
A developer named Federico Pereiro, who has been the back end of web applications since 2012 has written a very useful guide detailing a lot of useful information about his way of working.
He has detailed a complete roadmap from tools and architecture all the way to caching and testing.
This is a brief description from him: “My approach to backends (as with code in general) is to iteratively strive for simplicity. This approach – and a share of good luck – has enabled me to write lean, solid and maintainable server code with a relatively small time investment and minimal hardware resources.”
He has also put the link to an open-source project that you can check and test out in case you want to get a taste for his craft.
If this sounds something you would be interested in checking out and learning, then here is the GitHub repository that you can go and take a look. I believe it is worth checking out and even starring or at least watching the repository so that you can keep an eye on it in case you need it in the future.
I hope you find it useful.