If you are reading this, chances are that you use GitHub on a regular basis.
Maybe that’s because you need to create new repositories for your personal side projects, or simply because you have to push your latest changes in a work project.
Actually, GitHub provides many useful features that we may have not been aware of to benefit from.
Did you ever think about GitHub as a search engine of many projects that you can find and benefit from? Even though it is much more than that, we cannot deny that we can find great projects in there.
I recently wrote an article mentioning some of the tools that can help with GitHub.
Here is a short excerpt from it:
GitHub is one of the most popular version-control repositories. In it, you can find countless public projects in many programming languages.
You can use it to share your work, collaborating with your team members and others. You can also use it to learn from some of the most used open-source libraries in countless software projects and have the chance to contribute to them. Although we may use it several times throughout the week, there are many ways we can benefit even more from it.
Here’s a list to help with that.
You can read this article here.
I hope you benefit from it.