Software engineering and personal development

Month: August 2023

Caching Made Simple in Python: A Beginner’s Guide to functools.lru_cache

Today, we are about to dive into a remarkable feature of Python that many might not be familiar with, yet it can significantly boost the efficiency of your code. Say hello to functools.lru_cache!

What’s All the Buzz About?

In computer science, caching is like having a mini-notebook to jot down complex calculations. So, the next time you encounter the same problem, you can simply peek into your notebook instead of working out the whole problem again.

functools.lru_cache is Python’s built-in way of doing this. It’s a decorator that helps you store the results of function calls, so if you call the function again with the same arguments, Python just fetches the answer from the cache instead of recalculating it.

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How to Use Name Mangling in Python

In this article, we’re going to uncover a hidden gem of Python programming – the concept of “Name Mangling”. It may sound a bit like a fantasy novel, but it’s a practical and powerful feature that’s great to have in your coding toolkit. So, let’s dive right in!

What is Name Mangling?

“Name Mangling” is a unique Python trick involving a special use of the double underscore (__). When we use double underscores before a variable in a class, Python tweaks the variable’s name to make it harder to access unintentionally. This isn’t about creating secret variables, but rather, it’s about avoiding errors in larger programs with many moving parts.

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