GitHub is really famous, as it helps developers promote their work, get help, learn new things and even get sponsored by others, but now you can also play a game inside it.
Yes, you read that right.
Continue readingSoftware engineering and personal development
GitHub is really famous, as it helps developers promote their work, get help, learn new things and even get sponsored by others, but now you can also play a game inside it.
Yes, you read that right.
Continue readingLatex seems scary at first, especially if you are just used to immediately start typing in a text editor and simply do not have to worry about setting up your document layout.
It can be especially tedious to convert code into Latex.
But wait: maybe things can be a little bit better.
Continue readingPython is one of the most popular programming languages these days. You get to see many great books and tutorials that you can use to learn that are regularly shared on Reddit, HackerNews, and other social media.
Continue readingMore than 3 years ago, I published an article about Vim that turned out to be one of the most popular articles that I have published so far, where I argued that Vim isn’t that scary and a list of resources that readers can use to learn it.
Now, I stumbled upon a VSCode plugin called “Learn Vim” that is intended to help you learn Vim without having to leave one of the currently most popular coding editors.
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