Software engineering and personal development

Month: July 2017

How to send a base 64 encoded image to an API endpoint in Ruby on Rails

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I recently had to upload an image to an API endpoint in Rails, and did not found that much material online, so I decided to write this article describing how I managed to do this.

I was building an API that had to interact with an authentication micro service, where the request parameter was a Multipart image of a user file that should then be encoded in base 64 and get uploaded to AWS. Continue reading

Quickly access API documentations of your favorite languages with these two applications


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It is no surprise that you may need to work with different programming languages, or at least use many methods. You may not be sure how do you call a method, how many parameters does it have, or the type of objects for each parameters. During these cases, having a quick look up on the API documentation helps you immensely. Continue reading

Add like/upvote function for your model using Acts as Votable gem

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The ability to rapidly develop new features in your Rails applications with a lot of cool gems gives you the opportunity to be very productive. At the time of this writing, 14,821,263,017 Ruby gems have been downloaded, which represents a really large number of developers who have fortunately been able to use open source gems of other fellow developers in their applications. Acts as Votable is no exception.

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Top 5 lessons I learned from writing 200 blog posts

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This is my 200th post in this blog. It has been a long journey, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect about some of the most important lessons I learned.

I started blogging with the overall goal of improving the quality of my written English. I am grateful that I have managed to make considerable improvements since I started to write.

As the time of this writing, I am grateful that I have been able to publish 2 articles in SimpleProgrammer: Learn Programming Like Einstein Learned Physics and 10 Simple Social Skills Many Programmers Forget About. I am grateful that I have already published 2 articles in FreeCodeCamp, which is one of the most popular technical Medium publication: For Developers, Ego Is The Enemy and Why Developers avoid writing tests… until it’s too late. I am grateful that I have also been accepted as a writer in which gets about 1 million page views per month and, which gets about 500 thousand page views per month. Continue reading

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