About two years ago I started practicing speed reading, because I wanted to read more and the challenge of reading more books per year excited me. I started to quickly move my eyes through the lines, because I had the opinion that not everything included in a text is with the same importance and not being able to recall a lot of things seemed normal. However, I was a bit ashamed that sometimes I wasn’t able to recall almost anything from a chapter, because I found myself tending to be impressive by showing the others that I was able to read a lot of pages for a short period of time. Continue reading
Month: January 2015
According to the study that was conducted by the professor at Harvard Business School, Teresa Amabile, “Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.” Continue reading
Is there anything that you wish you did yesterday, but you didn’t? If not yesterday, how about last week, month or year? If your answer is no, then you might not need to keep reading on. However, if you are like me and wish you used the opportunities in the past, then you can continue to read. Continue reading
Time management is one of the most wide-spread advice we hear that can help us be more productive. However, you and I are witnesses of our own personal experience of periods when we had a considerable amount of time available, but we couldn’t concentrate properly and get anything done at all. Aside from planning our day according to your priorities, it is of a crucial importance to bear in mind the fact the you should try to also manage your energy. Continue reading